Friday, February 1, 2019

Thoughts in the storm

Here we are, beginning of the second month of the year. When I was Homeschool Mom, we called it Black February; the mid point of the school year that was dark and too short and all the pressure hit to have done more. 

And here in Grandma Mom world we have all been sick, despite flu shots. The undercurrents of stress are free-floating through the dark, chilly house. Sudden thunder storm strikes of anger loom on the horizon. I'm supposed to have wise words and calm, but what I have are so many questions still unanswered.

Rainbows are beautiful and have been an eternal symbol of hope before they became a symbol of diversity. But rainbows are fleeting and illusive. Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for..."  That is cool for faith and all, but sometimes when you have been sick and are at the beginning of February, you need a bit of the substance to keep having hope. 

So, I'm praying today for healing. Not just little healing, I mean, if you are going to pray for miracles that feel impossible, you might as well pray big, right? I'm praying not just that our family will get over this flu and get on with surviving, but I pray for our dear friends who are who are fighting cancer, for their healing too. I'm not just praying for our financial stresses, but for the people across this country who are out in the cold tonight, who have already lost it all. I'm not just praying for my family to be gentle with each other, but that we, as a nation of scared and wounded and stressed people find ways to be gentle and kind and have compassion for one another and our world. I'm praying that people who have been having their own storms of anger flashing out bolts of hateful words because of the fear and stress of this crazy present darkness, that light and love and peace and hope shine though.

I am praying for compassion, for all of us, big compassion.

And you may think I'm a foolish dreamer and what possible difference can such prayers make. We need the actual substance, not just the rainbow hope. I know, I know.

But this is what I have, and this is what I offer you today. If you think that maybe some old lady who has been beat up by the storms of life might have a word of wisdom to offer, this is what I would offer you today.

Like all things, it starts with love.

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