Saturday, December 21, 2013

Green Jello Stuff

There was a time in this country when no holiday dinner would be complete without a jello mixture of some sort.  No pot luck either.  One fateful potluck in the late 70's, just months after we first met Luke Skywalker and the gang, I first encountered Green Jello Stuff, and had to learn its secrets and make it mine.

Now this wasn't just fruit added to jello, a favorite of my grandma and my mom. This was creamy and crunchy.  This had nuts.  And this has, in the intervening years, fallen so out of favor that if I make it now, I better be prepared to eat all of it.

There is probably a better name for this delightful concoction, as well as an official recipe.  All I ever received was a rough list of ingredients form the lady who brought it to the potluck, so here you are:  make green jello, but don't use all the water, add some cream cheese and throw in some canned pineapple, some cut up celery, and some walnut pieces.

My interpretation:  Make a large box of lime jello, but only add half the cold water.  Instead stir in an 8oz. block of cream cheese, softened (it will mix in smoother if you first add some of the warm jello into it, a bit at a time beating until smooth, and then when it is really soft add it all together).  I do about a cup of pineapple chunks or cut up slices if that is all I have on hand, drained of course.  A few handfuls of thinly sliced celery and a handful of chopped walnuts, a few stirs, and just let it set up in the refrigerator.

Really, it's good.  Yes, I know, it is green.   Still, I keep thinking I need a red jello companion for it, really make our holiday complete.  You know, I used to do this recipe where you mixed some yogurt in jello...

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

When Words Attack

Warning, this post contains words that may offend you (but in a good cause).

What is the difference between a word that is merely offensive to some people and one that crosses the line into hate speech that.  In my opinion, the line is a word that is used in a manner that ridicules, threatens, or marginalizes another person based on race, religion, gender, sexuality, or God (nature) given limitation.  

People pretty much know that "Nigger" is hate speech.  People are coming more and more to recognize that "Faggot" is as well.

But what about "Retard?"  To me, it is.  I asked a few people, they agreed with me. I Googled it, and it turns out it is a hot topic.  Yet when a friend used it on Facebook the other day, saying that people who dress a certain way "look like retards" not one of the comments that followed objected to the use of the word. 

I understand that it wasn't that long ago that the "R" word was a regular part of TV family banter to show siblings quarreling or similar behaviors.  And people who have been hurt by this word complained, so it is properly leaving the realm of accepted language.  But when I messaged this friend privately to say that maybe they weren't aware that many people are offended by this word the response was that they would not alter their speech based on my sensitivities, so I should just un-friend them.  So I did.

Now, I am not easily offended.  Talk body parts and fluids all you want.  But I will stand against bullies, I will defend the weaker, and I will call something a hate word when it is a hate word.  I have known too many people who have been hurt by the use of this word to take it lightly.  I am not going to change my mind on this.

But I am curios, so I would really like to hear some other voices, other opinions. Language evolves, and attitudes change.  There was time when the "N" word was commonplace, but the "fuck" now heard casually everywhere was shocking. Where do you draw your personal line of acceptable language?  When and how do you confront language that you find hurtful or hateful?  If it is done publicly, do you respond publicly (should I have said something in the comments on the status rather than in private message)? 

I am willing to stand up for what I believe on this, don't get me wrong, I am not second guessing myself.  Rather, it made me examine the reasons behind my values, and I think that is a good thing.  As I have contemplated it, I have come to the conclusion that even if I am the lone voice on this one (which I don't think I am) it means enough to me that I will not back down.   

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Never Not

Ah, the joys of season! Social occasions filled with foods and drinks., caroling, shopping in busy stores with long lines, and pain.

Really, don't ask me how I am.  I don't like to talk about it because I am so tired of it that I can only imagine how those closer to me feel.  But I am never not in pain.

I have learned to manage my fibromyalgia, mostly.  I guard my sleep like the precious commodity that it is.  I try to balance just enough physical activity with not crossing that line that will leave me exhausted for days.  Being past the worst of the hormone rages helps, too.  But yes, I still have it, and a sleepless night can make me feel like I have been run over by Santa's cute little reindeer.

And I'm not just a picky eater, I still have gout.  The meds help, a lot.  But I still get random toe pains.  Sometimes an ankle will just start twinging and hurting for no apparent reason.  Add to that, I have the beginnings of arthritis, especially in the joints that have suffered the worst of the gout attacks.  So, some days I move slower than others.  Some days climbing the stairs is harder than the steep hills I hiked every day as a kid.

So please invite me a long, but also please understand that I may need to sit more, keep warmer, or not be able to eat or drink everything on the menu.  Don't be offended, I have learned to take care of myself.  I try not to whine and complain.  If I say "Go on without me."  It really is me, not you, and I really don't mind. It would make me more sad if my stupid old body kept you back from whatever the fun is.  I'm a big girl, and I can't take care of myself.

Today is a good day, but yes, there is a stab in this finger, my shoulders are vaguely achy, oh, and that wrist just joined the fun.  I am never not in pain.